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10 May 2005 - 7:25 pm

Since I've been a slackard, I thought I'd be a total slackard and copy someone else's idea. This I saw originally on kiki's page, who got it from Lisa's page.

Here ya go:

Name four books on your bookshelf:

Name four DVDs Movies in your collection:

Name four things on your walls:

  • Early, original painting by my Mother-In-Law (a professional artist), driftwood
  • Later, original painting by my Mother-In-Law (a professional artist), winter mountain landscape
  • Original paiting by a former coworker (not a professional by trade, but good regardless), pears - still life
  • Tracy Taylor print - "Lure Me To The Depths of Passion" (not my house, btw)

Name four things in your wardrobe:

Name four artists in your music collection:

Name four real life stores you shop at regularly:

Name four things in your bag:

Name four things in your cupboard that are in cans:

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