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09 June 2005 - 12:40 am

I took photos today and had an OK one to put up here in my little slice of cyberhood, however I decided to take these pics in RAW format (the uncompressed, unprocessed data file captured by the camera) instead of the regular JPG variety. Now I can't edit it or do anything with it so you'll just have to settle for the words. Maybe I'll figure out this RAW stuff later.

Yesterday we went to Pei Wei Asian Diner for dinner. Despite the extremely lame name, the food was pretty good, not too expensive and the atmosphere was decidedly not Cuban, which is all good in my book. The chuckies got the Teriyaki and the Honey Seared Chicken, I had the Pei Wei Pad Thai and the hubby got something with brown rice.

Brown rice is supposed to be more healthy for you. I've found that, if "they" say it's good for you, it generally tastes like reconstituted cardboard boxes. I wasn't wrong with the brown rice. Not that great. But I'm sure it's just loaded with good stuff you're supposed to have and enjoy more than life itself. I'll stick to my very bad for me white rice, thank you.

Overall, for a chain restaurant, it wasn't half bad. I'd go back. But we don't have that many choices around here so anything where you don't have to have a Havana born interpreter is a find.

In case you were wondering, and I know you were, my vote for tonight's Dancing With The Stars deal is John O'Hurley. Of all the non-pros, he's been able to pull off more than the rest. And I just like him. He seems funny and witty and good natured about the whole thing. The celeb women all stink. The guys are doing much better. And poor old Evander is still hanging in there, bless his little heart.

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