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15 January 2004 - 4:07 am

So here�s the update on the birds from yesterday. Of course I didn�t get either of these birds right. LOL

This from my Dad who is THE Bird Photographer:

The first one is the Anhinga or locally (meaning North Carolina) called the snake bird due to the fact that when swimming not much of the body shows and you see the long neck sticking up out of the water somewhat resembling a snake. They are a diving bird and spend a lot of time under water. What it is doing is drying its wings. The white on the wings indicate a male.

The second and third are of the Green Heron.

Good birds for a fledgling bird photographer.

So I guess I did OK for the first few pictures.

Today I provide some flora for your viewing pleasure. I guess since all this is new to me I figure you might enjoy seeing the new stuff in my life thru my eyes too. If you get bored don�t worry�.it�ll get worse.

The next few shots are a tree just on the other side of the fence from us. We pass it as we bike to just about anything. Very odd with the roots looking like they�re growing on the outside of the tree. If anybody knows what this is let me know, please.

Is that not some weird stuff!!!

This is the entrance to our little neighborhood. Amazing how green it is.

This is the bike/riding/jogging trail that Jr. takes every day to school. Very picturesque ride, if you ask me. We had no such thing back home. The elementary school was a good 20 minute car ride away for us. And we walked up hill, in the snow, both ways too.

And this is another tree on the trail to school.

So now you have a few things that I see on a daily basis. Maybe tomorrow something interesting will happen for me to tell you about, otherwise you may be subjected to more photos of Florida stuff. We�ll just have to see.

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