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Yeah...that'll happen

25 May 2005 - 8:45 am


Not too long ago I made a comment about one of my guilty pleasures on a forum I frequent. I know, I shouldn�t be watching it. I should be spending my time working for women�s rights and animal rights and stem cell rights, but I�m shallow sometimes. So sue me.

This comment was justifying why exactly I watch it. And watch it religiously I did, right up until the season finale. I got hooked when I ran across last season's show while they were in Japan. And we all know how I feel about Japan. I�ll watch the next one too. So sue me.

You see, I look something not too dissimilar to this only with a few more pounds. So, as you can see, there�s no way in hell I�ll ever be on that show. I know this. I realize this. I can internalize this. However, my brain evidently is not quite as convinced.

Last night I was in the final three on the show. Tyra and I were having a little private discussion about how it was going.

me: How in the hell am I in the top THREE!?! Have you people LOOKED at me?

Tyra: I know, but we�re trying to expand the way in which the world sees models and we think you�re the perfect candidate.

me: Hello!?! Have you LOOKED at me?

Tyra: Crazy, isn�t it. But it�s what we want. The producers want it. Cover Girl wants it. The judges want it.

me: Have you people LOOKED at me?

Anybody who has even the smallest idea about who I really am is, hopefully, LMAO because:
1) I don�t wear make up.
2) I could care less about what I�m wearing.
3) I could care even less about the coif.
4) I don�t do photographs, not with me IN the pictures.

Needless to say, I woke up this morning LMAO at what was obviously a cruel joke my psyche played on me. I think it was either that or an affirmation that I certainly need to be BEHIND the camera and not in FRONT of it.

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