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Grocery Adventure #3 � Pineapple Soda

16 March 2004 - 7:41 am

This week: Pineapple Soda

This is the next thrilling, edge of your seat entry in the great Grocery Adventure! Woo Hoo! :-P

You might recall the last two exciting installments: Adventure #1 and Adventure #2.

I haven�t been much in the mood for really making stuff, so I picked an easy one. Yes, I�m copping out. I promise the next entry will involve more than twisting a cap and pouring.

It�s made by the same folks who do the Ironbeer. So it must be �ethnic� in that this company caters to the large Cuban population here in South Florida.

Basically, it tastes like�well�fizzy, sweet pineapple juice. REALLY sweet pineapple juice. It�s great on it�s own, if you can stand the sugar content. But it�s really better as a mixer for coconut rum and other stuff for a good tropical drink.

It has no fat, which is good. The label is pretty too.

Guess that�s all I can say about Pineapple Soda. If you have the chance, you should pick some up, just don�t be surprised if you don�t finish the bottle before it goes flat.

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