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I Am So Tired Of This

25 September 2004 - 9:06 am

Here we are, AGAIN.

I am so very weary of this whole hurricane thing. And it's not that I'm in the least bit nervous about the actual storm, it's the PEOPLE that are driving me to utter insanity.

I had 1/4 of a tank of gas yesterday so, like any normal person, I went to fill up the tank. Was there any gas at the FOUR gas stations at which I stopped? No.

I needed bread because we didn't have enough to make sandwiches for the weekend. Was there any bread at the store? No.

I needed milk because chuckies need their calcium and we had very little left. Was there any milk at the grocery? No.

Thankfully, as y'all well know, I have enough water to float the Titanic, but I did take a quick glance down the water isle and guess what? There wasn't a pint of H20 to be had there.

I assume the same could be said for plywood and batteries and nails and all that necessary hardware paraphernalia, but I did not even venture close to the Lowes. No way, man.

Is it too much to ask for people to show a little common sense? It is too much to expect people to act like humans rather than a rabid pack of hyenas?

Evidently in south Florida between the months of June and October, yes.

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