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HSP Idea

30 September 2004 - 2:29 pm

I�ve decided that I�m gonna make my first fortune by selling hurricane supplies to the people in Florida.

I�m gonna start in June, when the hurricane season starts. This way, it gets taken care of early, people can avoid the rush and be secure in the fact that they can survive any upcoming �events.�

This is my preliminary list of items I will include in my Hurricane Survival Package, aka HSP. The pricing has not been set yet, as I might be able to get a lot of these items in bulk.

I�m opened to suggestions. It�s a rough draft here, folks.

Bottled Water, you can�t have too much

Clorox, no comment

Plywood, to be put on the outside of the window, people

Screws, for the plywood

Screw Driver, comes in handy for the screws

Soup, easy open, sterno-friendly when you have no power

More Soup, �cause you can never have enough


Peanut Butter


Peanuts, snacks are essential to keep the troops quiet

Milk, you got to have something to go bad in your fridge

Goldfish, again, snacks � essential

Oreos, snacks, man, snacks!

Bandaids, for those minor cuts and scrapes from clean up

Gauze, for the larger mishaps

Advil, for the obvious headaches you�ll get

Little Colorful Pills, obviously you�ll need these in quantity

Batteries, LOTS of batteries

Battery Operated Radio, so you�ll know when the local weatherman has been blown off the map

Portable, Battery Operated TV, so you can see when the local weatherman has been blown off the map

Trash Bags, for the yard debris and the dead bodies you have to dispose of because you�ve gone postal after a week with no power

Paper Towels, to clean up the water and the blood

Shop Towels, because just plain ole paper towels just won�t do

Tarp, to cover the exposed roof and/or the bodies

Home Generator, just a little something like this might come in handy

Raft, nothing too complicated, just some little floatation device

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