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01 February 2004 - 11:52 am

Yes, we�re actually gonna watch this mainly because:

  1. Everybody else will be watching and talking about the game and we�ll be left out of 99.9% of the conversations tomorrow and for weeks to come if we don�t.
  2. Everybody else will be watching and talking about the commercials and we�ll be left out of 99.9% of the conversations tomorrow and for weeks to come if we don�t.
  3. One of the teams, they tell me, is from Carolina so what kind of Tar Heel would I be if I didn�t at least attempt to watch?
  4. And probably most importantly, since I got hooked on the last one (and believe me I cursed myself every time for watching but looked anyway) I need to know when the game�s over so I can watch the next one.

So that�s what we�re doing today. Us and about 2 million of our closest friends.

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